For decades, Ólafur (the Icelandic president) has made sure to exercise at least 50 minutes a day. “We usually start the day with a power walk with Sámi. But […]

For decades, Ólafur (the Icelandic president) has made sure to exercise at least 50 minutes a day. “We usually start the day with a power walk with Sámi. But […]
Magnús Scheving has been busy lately training new Sportacus men and introducing LazyTown to the whole world. Fréttablaðið had a quick visit to the home of Sportacus and found […]
US Ambassador Carol van Voorst was a special guest at the studio headquarters of the children’s show, LazyTown, March 2, 2006. The Ambassador met with Americans and Icelanders who […]
When it comes to business equipment financing, the projects are as diverse as the imagination. It is clear that Glitnir finances projects and equipment for LazyTown as well as […]
Today the royal couple and the crown princess visited LazyTown where Magnús Scheving received them. Next was the route to Nesjavellir and Þingvellir, and on Thursday their route is […]
There was a lot of joy in the LazyTown’s studio in Miðhraun in Garðabær yesterday, August 16, 2004, when the creators of the LazyTown episodes watched the premiere of […]
It is safe to say that Latibær has settled well at Miðhraun in Garðabær, where a four thousand square meter film studio was set up in just 80 days. […]
Latibær’s operations have been shrouded in secrecy in recent months and the company is now preparing to expand into the US market. Magnús Scheving, the show’s author, and his […]
Latibær is located in a four thousand square meter building at the lava fields in Garðabær, where 120 people work in the dark during the production of 40 TV […]
No one’s lazy in LazyTown (Engin leti í Latabæ) “Nickelodeon will premiere the LazyTown series as an afternoon show in June or July of this year” said Brown Johnson, […]